Profile: Ohio post-grind duo Tina Fey

Happy Friday everyone! We’re in the middle of 2024 and in between some notable happenings for the next artist we’re profiling around here, so let’s take a few minutes to get to know Tina Fey. Yes, we all did a doubletake at that name initially as well. It’s fun. I’m here for it. For those unfamiliar, Tina Fey is a post-grind duo out of Ohio. It’s been a busy stretch for them, with a bit of a restart last year and then a surprise EP they offered up in April titled In Living Memory – which is linked below if you need it. And yes, you do. You’re welcome. But that was only the beginning of 2024 for them. Next on the calendar is a run of shows a month away(ish) with Doom Beach (which is teased below – yes, we’ve been holding this one for a bit), and from there… who knows! Logan Nichols (vocals, baritone guitar) spent a few minutes answering our questions to talk Tina Fey in a little more depth. It’s a great read.

How and when did you first get into playing music, or metal more specifically, and how did your band get its start? Any pushback from family/those close to you?

I got into playing music when I was a kid because my dad was a music minister at a church and there were always instruments around. I haven’t had any pushback or anything like that from anyone other than the opps but fuck them. This band started when Shon found me at a bar and told me he wanted to work together, and the rest was just workin’ hard.

How would you describe your band and what you play to someone who is completely in the dark?

I would describe Tina Fey as something kinda mathy between screamo and grind. When people at my yoga studio ask what kind of music I play I just say, “It’s more loud than it is good.”

Is there one (or more) thing about your latest / upcoming album or about your band that no one will find in any interview or review that you care to divulge?

The main question I get is about the guy on the cover art. I haven’t been able to find the dude’s name but if you buy the cassette the source image is inside the Jcard. There are about five or six pictures of him with Castro and Kruschev. From what I gather he was a farmer in Soviet Georgia and the two visited him on their way to Lake Ritsa. Sumthin about him just really stuck out to Shon and I.

Any funny stories from playing shows / tours / festivals, etc?

One time we played at a festival about a mile from an abandoned building that I lived in ten years ago. I went to see if my key still worked and walked around the building for a while just reminiscing and when I left, I was covered in fleas. I spent like 20 minutes killing these fleas hoping to get them all, so they didn’t spread to others at the festival.

What do you see as some of the great things happening in and around the metal scene (yours or just in general) and what are some of the worst things happening right now?

God where to even start. I love Zegema Beach/Tomb Tree and TGIC records. Malevich just put out a new EP that fucken rips. That last Oxx record out on Nefarious Industries was fucking incredible. The new meth. record is fantastic, we got to play with them a few weeks ago. I’m really looking forward to the new Mamaleek album later this year. Blackwater Sniper. I’m also looking forward to a tour we’re working on right now with one of my favorite bands, idk if I can talk about it publicly yet. Also, in Cincinnati I fuck with DSGN CLLCTV heavily, it’s just the sickest spot for DIY, metal, and hardcore. Shouts out to Louise and Scenario too.

Worst things: culture vultures, scene police, Kanye West wearing Burzum shirts. Also, the hegemony of bullshit TikTok hardcore. I love that younger kids are starting more bands. That’ll always be dope. But the commodification of community is disgusting and creates sterile homogenous crap that sounds terrible and reduces ambition to a product.

Most folks have passions for a cause or causes that are close to them. What, if any, are some of the most important issues (social/political/humorous/etc.) for you / your band and how do you insert those issues into your music?

Almost all of our music is informed by the forces we oppose. I don’t wanna bore anybody with a party line or anything like that but in our personal lives we are huge communists.

Free Palestine. Fuck the Police.

Do you have day jobs or hobbies you want to share?

Nothing super exciting, we’re both wage cucks. I am a yoga instructor on the side though. I love that shit.

What advice do you have for music critics and outlets out there? How can we all better serve the genre in the eyes of a hard-working musician?

Just come out to shows and make that connection with us. Friendly faces on the road make everything easier. And keep being honest with your reviews. Some of my favorite feedback has been negative. I love haters.

Any specific long-term goal(s) in mind?

Currently we are making moves in silence.

When you’re not obsessing over your own material, what are some of your favorite albums to listen to currently?

I been havin’ that new Kidnapped on repeat. I listen to mostly non-metal in my free time as like a palate cleanser. Mirror Green Rotor in Profile by Jim Marlowe lives in my tape deck at the moment. I just went and saw MIKE the other day with Niontay, I have been listening to both of them a lot. Dancing on the Edge by Ryan Davis and the Roadhouse Band. The new Future/Metro Boomin album. That Full of Hell/Nothing collab album. Anything by Prince. Richie Havens.

What is the near future outlook for you or your band? Any specific events on the horizon that the masses should be aware of?

We’re really stoked about this new EP we just put out with Nefarious Industries, they’ve always treated us super well. We’ll probably make a fun announcement in the near future about that thing I mentioned above. It’s a big year for Noise Rock. Other than that, just understand that we are making moves in silence. Be on standby.

Summarize your band in one word.


Many thanks to Logan for the time!

In Living Memory is available through Nefarious Industries. For more information on Tina Fey, give them a follow on Instagram.

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