Rainbows in the Dark: Fluisteraars – “Manifestaties van de Ontworteling”

If you were surprised to see the name Fluisteraars on this particular not-metal-related column, perhaps you shouldn’t have been. The black metal scene in the Netherlands is defined by a complete shrugging off of the orthodoxy that seems to define the scene worldwide, and Fluisteraars have been one of the flagship names championing this bold experimentation that has captivated audiences near and far, myself included. From 2020’s Bloem, which saw the band really begin to play with the form and function of their brand of romantic black metal, to the free-wheeling chaos of Gegrepen Door de Geest der Zielsontluiking, the trio’s descent into mania has only seen them become more and more artistically unshackled. The culmination of this is Manifestaties van de Ontworteling, a full dark ambient release that seeks to cast off what inhibitions are left in the band and strike out into brave new territory.

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The Nine Circles Playlist Vol. 335 (5.10.2024)

playlist - mixtape

Let’s face it: Steve Albini was one of the real ones. Beyond the incredible music of Big Black, or Shellac, or so many of his other projects were the incredible records he recorded, produced, or engineered. Never mind all the hype of Nevermind…for me the real Nirvana, the uncaged animal that was that band can be found in the raw power that was Albini’s masterclass that is In Utero. Rest in Peace to one of the mammoths of heavy music; the 335th edition of the Nine Circles Playlist is dedicated to you.

After that there’s new and old delights from the rest of the 9C staff, including Ceremony of Silence, new Sonja, Health, Thot, new Thou, even some hip-hop courtesy the latest Drake/Kendrick beef and some JPEGMAFIA, and because I can’t get enough of his production some Pixies to close us out. Plus more surprises.

Get listening. Stay safe. See you next week.


CANTO: Six Feet Under, Orange Goblin, Secrets, and More

Let’s see… how many new videos are out there from albums that dropped today? Ideally at least five.

“Ein Bier… bitte.”

Album Review: Darkness Everywhere — “To Conquer Eternal Damnation”

Melodeath is so back, baby.  Say what you want about certain recent releases, and you already know how we each individually feel about them.  I think it’s always wonderful when bands form out of a genuine love and appreciation for a style.  To Conquer Eternal Damnation, the debut release from the Bay Area’s Darkness Everywhere, is just that: a love letter to the melodic death metal bands that shaped the members in their infancy and allowed them to achieve what they have with their careers thus far.  Oh yeah, and it also whips ass too, so there’s that to consider as well.  Good music is good music, regardless of if it sounds like something else.

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