Album Review: Srd – “Vragvmesiton”

When I first heard about the Slovenian black metal band Srd, it had been recommended to me while looking for more of the blackened arts to listen to. Although I had been burned out by the genre at that point, Srd stood out because they play a delightful blend of black’n’roll, and their previous record, Ognja prerok, completely rewired my brain. Thus, when it was announced that the band was going to release their third full-length, Vragvmesiton, I jumped at the chance to see what they had been up to since Ognja prerok.

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Album Review: Jason Blake featuring Raphael Weinroth-Browne – “Candles Burn”

I might be biased, but I have always believed that the cello has been given the short end of the stick. From chamber music to opera, the cello has always been relegated to keeping rhythm, to acting as the backbone while the violins, the violas, and, in some cases, the horns, winds, and brass get their own cool solos and intricate melodies. However, the cello has shown to thrive outside the classical world, having its own identity, sound, and distinction. It’s this sort of distinction that Jason Blake, alongside cellist Raphael Weinroth-Browne, explore on Blake’s newest EP, Candles Burn.

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Album Review: Verwoed – The Mother

verwoed - the mother

You can’t deny the Netherlands has a thriving black metal scene, giving us gems such as Terzij de Horde, Fluisteraars, and Laster. One of the more recent bands to catch my attention in the past few years is Verwoed, whose previous album, De Val, held me in a grip in mid-2020. It took me a while to fully understand De Val musically, but once it clicked I couldn’t stop thinking about it. When a new album was announced, I knew I had to listen to it.

And it seems The Mother is everything De Val was and more.

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