Forêt Endormie’s Jordan Guerette on new album Une voile déchirée, Using French as a Lyrical Basis, Pandemic Effects, Fire In the Mountains, Handling Creative Overlap Between Bands, and so Much More!

Foret Endormie

Portland Maine’s Forêt Endormie recently released their second full length Une voile déchirée which sees the band further their vision of apocalyptic chamber folk with the theme of place and how it relates to each individual that experiences it for themselves. Since 2016, their music has been unique in not only sound but in the effect it has when enjoyed in the right setting. Head below for an amazing conversation surrounding this album and a ton more!

Just behind Une voile déchirée‘s release, Jordan Guerette took some time to chat with Buke and Corey about the new album and the why’s and intent for using French as a lyrical basis. They also spend some time on how the pandemic has affected the band, how Jordan handles creative overlap between Forêt Endormie and Falls of Rauros, using the theme of place to talk about internal journeys, how nature and the outdoors–specifically the ocean–inform the band’s sound, the Fire In the Mountains experience both for Jordan and Corey, and the practice of appreciating the world around you. All that and talk surrounding local breweries, video games, and even nu-metal. This is truly an amazing discussion that covers a lot of ground so jump in and enjoy!

foret endormie une voile dechiree

Many thanks to Jordan for his time!

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– Buke and Corey

Une voile déchirée is available now on Red Nebula Records and Folkvangr Records. To keep up with all things Foret Endormie, visit their Facebook page.

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