Majestic Downfall’s Jacobo and Alÿ on “Aorta,” the draw of doom, European vs. American fans, and much more!

Majestic Downfall trade in some epic doom that stretches and luxuriates in melancholic surges of blood and tears. Aorta is their latest testament to the power of the morose, and it’s a feat of stirring arrangements, mournful melodies, and a bass sound that burrows under your skin and lays its eggs deep in the flesh. It touches on the classic 90s era of the scene without mimicking it, and it’s one of those albums you’ll be feeling in your bones long after the last note is played.

Our Master of the Microphone Buke sat down with bassist/vocalist Jacobo Córdova and guitarist Alÿ to discuss the genesis of the band’s latest record. Along the way all the usual detours are thoroughly explored, including the how’s and why’s of doom metal and the challenges of writing a long song and making it work (like the EXCELLENT 20-minute “Roberta” which kicks off the album), the differences between European and American audiences, and the growth found in writing and performing over the course of 15 years. This is one of those interviews that you just want to go on – a great conversation in service of an incredible record. Aorta lays its foundation in the earth of doom, but there are moments of blistering aggression balanced with delicate threads of hope.

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Aorta is available now on Personal Records. For more information on Majestic Downfall, check out their Facebook page.

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