Majestic Downfall’s Jacobo and Alÿ on “Aorta,” the draw of doom, European vs. American fans, and much more!

Majestic Downfall trade in some epic doom that stretches and luxuriates in melancholic surges of blood and tears. Aorta is their latest testament to the power of the morose, and it’s a feat of stirring arrangements, mournful melodies, and a bass sound that burrows under your skin and lays its eggs deep in the flesh. It touches on the classic 90s era of the scene without mimicking it, and it’s one of those albums you’ll be feeling in your bones long after the last note is played.

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The Nine Circles Playlist Vol. 179 (5.1.2021)

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Greetings, fellow travelers of the path, and welcome to another Nine Circles Saturday morning mixtape. This time around, we’ve got a slew of death metal tracks, BIG|BRAVE’s noisy, glorious sludge, a little Alcest, and some classic Tom Waits & newer Steve Von Till to round things out. Check it out below.

– Vincent

CANTO: Seputus, An Autumn For Crippled Children, Majestic Downfall, and More

Alright, it’s Bandcamp Friday. What did everyone snag today?

  • An Autumn For Crippled Children have a new album dropping on May 21st. Their second release as part of the Prosthetic Records roster will be called As The Morning Dawns We Close Our Eyes, and pre-orders are available here. A new single, “Carefully Breathing”, is also available at that link… while you’re at it.
  • Majestic Downfall have nailed down a release date for their new album. Their sixth album, Aorta, will be out on May 21st as well, through Personal Records. Listen to a new track called “Roberta”, and get your pre-order/wishlist-ing on, over at Bandcamp now.
  • And the final album announcement for the day comes from Seputus. The extreme metal trio is releasing Phantom Indigo on June 4th via Willowtip, their first album since 2016’s Man Does Not Give. Check out the first track from that album, “The Learned Response”, which features Dan Garguilo of Artificial Brain.
  • Last but certainly not least, we close with the new music video from Soen for “Deceiver”. That track is taken from their latest album, Imperial, which is available now through Silver Lining Music. Curiously, that’s an album I still haven’t explored this year. Big problem.

“Ein Bier… bitte.”

Best of Q3: Corey’s List

nine circles

I always appreciate these quarterly recaps that we do here at Nine Circles. With all the new music flying around week after week, month after month, it’s always good to take a minute to reflect on some of the better work we’ve been exposed to. The last few months have delivered a number of memorable albums from bigger names like Lamb of God and Amorphis, but at the same time a number of more obscure bands have forced their way into the periphery of many. My list has a bit of all that, so let’s take a look.

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The Nine Circles Podcast: Episode 13

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The guys dish on news from Immortal, as well as tour updates from a wide range of bands–including their former frontman, Abbath! Plus, new albums from Cattle Decapitation, Fear Factory and Majestic Downfall, and Dan chews gum like a cow! (Audibly!)

All that and much, much more in Episode 13, so check it out!

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