The Nine Circles Playlist Vol. 308 (11.4.2023)

playlist - mixtape

The other day a couple of us on the staff were talking about the insane amount of death metal released this year (it feels like 20 Buck Spin alone released close to a thousand albums with some variation of “technical guttural death metal with fretless bass”). We were thinking we had reached the saturation point, and then Suffocation comes and puts out their best album in over a decade. Oh, and Job for a Cowboy returns after a lengthy hiatus and slays. I guess the lesson learned is “never too much of a good thing,” huh?

From there the 308th edition of the Nine Circles Playlist goes in a dozen different directions. I won’t spoil all the surprises, but how about new tracks from Exocrine, Laster, Crystal Coffin, Myrath, and Dreamwell; a new acoustic track from Psychonaut, razor sharp cuts from Nine Inch Nails, Devangelic, Wayfarer, and even some Sisters of Mercy for good measure.

Get listening. Stay safe. See you next week.


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