The Nine Circles Playlist Vol. 341 (6.22.2024)

playlist - mixtape

And it was there, as he started into the gaping maw that was the 341st edition of the Nine Circles Playlist, that he realized the folly was his, and no matter how tired he was or how busy he was, he would have go get this post written before its scheduled posting time of 10am…And so he did, blasting Devin Townsend searching for truth and the crunchy gnarled death of Misyrion, and then he left it, perhaps wisely, to others to complete the tale…

“And that’s why,” she said, trucking him in tightly under the sheets just the way he liked it. “That’s why you have songs from bands like Black Hole Deity and Julie Christmas…although no, she really doesn’t fit with the holiday, does she?” He snuggled in deep, asking her to leave a nightlight on. “Of course, the dark is better if you’re listening to dank, nasty things like Frail Body and Demiser, and that disgusting Scarsin…why I never heard such fright myself but if that’s what you want, okay.”

She bent down, there in the dark to give him his final kiss goodnight, her fangs glistening from the spittle as they slowly extracted from her gums. “Time to meet He who Inherits the Void, little one…”

He smiled, pushing his small, quivering neck out to meet her.

Get listening. Stay safe. See you next week.


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