Profile: Ambient funeral doom outfit Locusts and Honey

This is a particularly significant feature today, because Teach Me To Live That I Dread The Grave As Little As My Bed, the debut album from Locusts and Honey has officially been released, and I am so here for it. Out through Hypaethral Records, these brooding ethereal soundscapes are just destined to suck every ounce of life out of whatever they surround. This is doom in it’s most sorrowful form, with just enough ambience to make it impossible to interrupt or escape, despite how suffocatingly dark it is. Half and hour of just droning depression… and I find myself totally engrossed in it. So let’s celebrate its arrival, shall we? To provide a little more context around Locusts and Honey and this release, Stephen and Tomas took some time to answer our questions in this latest Nine Circles Profile. Give it a read below, hit that Bandcamp play button, and let’s welcome this unrelenting dose of doom and gloom together.

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CANTO: Seth, Cognitive, Slaughtersun, and More

Coming at you late because this Monday was very much a Monday.

  • Let’s fire this up with some black metal out of Season of Mist. Seth released a new single titled “Dans le Cœur un Poignard”, the latest from the upcoming La France des Maudits. That one is set to drop on July 14, Bastille Day.
  • Indiana death metal crew Obscene are releasing their third full-length, Agony & Wounds, on July 12 through Nameless Grave Records. Check out the “The Reaper’s Blessing” over at No Clean Singing to get a taste.
  • And then, some doom out of LA. QAALM have set June 21 as the release date for their First Light Of The Last Dawn EP, which will be available through Hypaethral Records. Check out the title track right now over on Bandcamp.
  • And then we have a lyric video from Slaughtersun for “Ready Cell Awaits”. Worth noting, their debut live performance is coming up on June 29 at the Lucky 13 Saloon in Brooklyn. Great spot.
  • And we’ll wrap this up with some tech death in the form of Cognitive. They dropped a new video for “Insidious”, taken from the just-released new album Abhorrence. That one is out through Metal Blade, and that clip is available below.

“Ein Bier… bitte.”