Missed Connections: Looking Back on 2021

Best of 2021

Oh hey, you thought lists were all done?  Nope, I’ve got one more in the tank and some more albums to talk about.  I wrote one of these lists last year, amid a flurry of excitement and trepidation that I had missed something truly great, which is kind of a silly thing to worry about now that I think about it.  Of course I did then, and of course I do now.  There just isn’t enough time in the world for me to take every great album in, even in the span of a whole year.  And, not least of all, new bands and new albums are always being thrown my way thanks to the good folks we have on staff.  So, here I sit with some leftovers of 2021, albums that for whatever reason didn’t jump out at me right away but have since found their way into my heart.  Don’t consider these throwaways; they stack up to anything on anyone else’s list, and in fact, many of them WERE on other peoples’ list and that’s what brought them to my attention.  Just consider it a nice bonus present, post-holidays.

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Album Review: Mystras — “Castles Conquered and Reclaimed”

Mystras - Castles Conquered and Reclaimed

It’s been a pretty stellar year for the musician known as Ayloss, aka Spectral Lore, aka Mystras.  As if the monumental split he put out with Mare Cognitum from earlier this year wasn’t good enough, he returns with a new project, a new concept and even more inspired ideas, courtesy of medieval history and its surprising parallels to modern times.  Castles Conquered and Reclaimed is both a love letter to a time long ago and a call to action against the current state of affairs, all wrapped up in soaring melodies, nasty riffs and furious beats. Continue reading

Initial Descent: July 12 – 18, 2020


I know you missed me yesterday. Or, was it the new metals? Ah yes, the new metals; that you did indeed miss, more than me. Anywho, as usual, we’re overflowing with good picks so let’s get to it… back in 2017 Finland’s Väki put out a blistering EP of fierce yet cold black metal and with this week’s debut full length they up the ante in almost every aspect—expect utter chaos. The Czech Republic’s Oči Vlka offer up a scathing demo that defies any sort of easy categorization and it’s out on Caligari so you know it’s quality, Battalions continue their sludgy ass-kicking trajectory, and Mystras form of black metal is as fascinating as one might expect coming from Ayloss who you may know from Spectral Lore. So, several winners already and many, many more to follow. Enjoy. Continue reading