Album Review: Hadit — “Metaphysical Engines Approaching The Event Horizon”

I can tell you exactly where I was when I was first made aware of Hadit: it was 2021 and the first thing I saw after grad school hell was the discourse surrounding what “atmospheric death metal” entailed. While the concept now has been used to describe specific death metal albums that use atmosphere in places one least expects (i.e. Eternal Storm’s A Giant Bound to Fall), this band was being highlighted as an example of what the term meant. Now, three years later, Hadit has decided to grace us with their newest release, Metaphysical Engines Approaching The Event Horizon (Metaphysical Engines…), an album that seems to take everything that made 2021’s With Joy and Ardour Through The Incommensurable Path (With Joy and Ardour…) a delight and elevate its sound to new heights.

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Album Review: The Oldest House — “A Worm Through Time”

Have you ever decided to pick up an album because it shares aspects with a video game you played? There have been numerous bands whose musical concepts have been based on their favorite video games, such as Firelink’s The Inveterate Fire (Dark Souls). Imagine my surprise when I discovered that such a thing existed for one of my favorites, Control, a game known for its inherent weirdness. Needing to see where it would take me, I decided to dive into The Oldest House’s A Worm Through Time and see what it has to offer to the world of sludge.

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Album Review: Lotus Thief and Forlesen — “Split”

lotus thief forlesen split

I feel it’s auspicious that my first album review of the new year gives me yet another chance to rave about how much I love split releases. The camaraderie, the creativity, the dichotomy; the split is a nigh-perfect format for bands to do so much with, to lift each other up and highlight the best parts of each contributing act. Lotus Thief and Forlesen join such lofty ranks and prove that even when the people you’re collaborating with are mostly yourself the split still manages to capture the facets of each work that gives them a unique shine.

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Second Circle: Swords of Dis and Lilyum

In Dante’s Inferno, the second circle begins the proper punishment of Hell, a place where “no thing gleams.” It is reserved for those overcome with Lust, where carnal appetites hold sway over reason. In Nine Circles, it’s where we do shorter reviews of new (ish) albums that share a common theme.

Sometimes the end of year releases can be funny. (Mostly) gone are the big hitters, and what’s left are more interesting, independent releases probably not on anyone’s radar. In other words, a great time to randomly run your fingers down the screen and discover something new. Or two somethings. This edition of Second Circle takes a brief look at two black metal releases (I know…you’re shocked looking at the album art) worth a listen as the year winds down. So let’s dig into Swords of Dis and Lilyum.

Time to descend.

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Initial Descent: November 19 – 25, 2023


We’ll be celebrating Thanksgiving here in the States this week where folks stuff themselves to complete oblivion then Black Friday where folks go to war over saving a buck for their favorite shit. It is nice to spend some quality time with family so that’s what I’m most looking forward to. Before we get ahead of ourselves, we’ve got tons of new releases to be thankful for and we kick things off with the first sludge band to actively and successfully challenge Eyehategod for the throne, Slôdder, and yes their sludge is the grimy, dangerous kind that we rarely ever get and I’m super into it (best of the year into it, to be clear), next up is some death / doom from Convocation, stoner doom from Demonio (we don’t feature enough stoner doom so there’s that), and some black metal from Swords of Dis. All this and tons more hiding out directly below so grab your wallets, laptops and/or internet surfing device, and go crazy with some killer metal. Enjoy, and do whatever thing you’ll be doing this week with gusto.

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