Profile: Blackened grindcore outfit Apes

Show of hands, who else got obliterated by Penitence when it dropped last Friday? I for one definitely did. And then again… And again. The latest album from Apes is out through Secret Swarm Records and it is so much more than a grindcore album. It certainly has that bite we all look for in the genre, but there is a lot more to take away from it than that. The blackened industrial energy specifically offers a unique sense of depth that I immediately connected with, and the hardcore structure is undeniable. What I’m saying is that this is an awesome hybrid of so many different styles, clearly crafted without any kind of creative restraint, and there’s definitely benefit in listening to this thing on repeat considering all that there is to uncover. But that’s enough rambling. Gabriel (drums and other noises) took some time to answer our Profile questions and offered up some great insight and stories about Apes, their history, influences, and more. Give it a read after the jump and hit that Bandcamp link while you’re down there.

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