Initial Descent: May 8 – 14, 2022

Moon Tooth

Full transparency here; this is the week I’ve been waiting quite a while for and in extremely large part due to the top four on this here new release list. I’ve been saying we’ve had a plethora of great releases, but this week you can take that to the bank. Period. Let’s do it…Moon Tooth hit very high on my EOY list with Crux and I’m calling it now with Phototroph, they’ll do it again—the sheer energy, inventiveness, and enthusiasm for music this band has is unmatched, which leads perfectly into Alive from doomgaze-post-metallers Dead Register which is another band that truly loves what they do and it shows as this album is an absolute triumph, then we’ve got the heaviest doom band on the planet, Primitive Man, with Insurmountable and even in EP format they crush it, and speaking of crushing it, brutal death metal giants Mutilatred do just that on Determined To Rot (seriously), AND THEN there’s a very long list of other albums worthy of your time and bucks. So, get to it folks…tons to dig into here.

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Nine Circles ov…Death Metal in 2019


Death metal has seen a banner year. And, it’s seen a year that clearly divided the genre into swampy caveman ooze and extreme for the sake of extreme. Basically, whatever is your preference is out there and your favorite album awaits. This is the year for death metal fans and that’s the bottom line. Yes, I do realize we’re closing in on EOY season but for us, all that fun is held until, you know, the end of the year so why not broach some of the good shit now? Rhetorical, of course. As a reminder, last time we did this was for black metal and it was a silver platter of offerings so be sure to revisit that. Moving on, we do have rules for this piece. I hate rules. But, the only one for this Nine Circles ov… is that anything covered here can only be albums we haven’t covered in long form which leaves out Vitriol, Fluids, Tomb Mold, and several other holy-hell-top-notch albums. Be that as it may, there’s tons here to dig into from 2019 so get your shovel and dig until you hit the coffins.
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