Concert Review: Mayhem, Inquisition, and Black Anvil, 2/18/2017


Personally, it has been a slow start to 2017. The first month and a half of the year brought exactly zero concerts and subsequently zero contributions to this particular media. Fortunately, momentum has picked up over the last two weeks and I’m hoping to ride that out the rest of the year. Or until I die. Preferably the latter. Despite the delay in getting out of the gates, I don’t think I could have picked a better show to initiate my 2017 concert (mis)adventure. I was fortunate to not only attend, but also photograph the black metal forefathers/legends/pioneers known as Mayhem as they performed their quintessential debut full-length album De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas at the Royale in Boston. So let’s talk about it and look at it. Continue reading

Throwback Thursday: Mayhem – “Esoteric Warfare”


Woe to the man who tries to utter the name ‘Mayhem’ without also inviting the band’s redudantly notorious history into the conversation. Yet that is precisely what we will do in the present Throwback Thursday. We will take a stab at Mayhem’s 2014 album Esoteric Warfare rather than Euronymous. This essay will explore the band’s most recent album to date and take a look at just how much of the band’s reputation relies on continued musical prowess, while also asserting the state of the Norwegian black metal scene. Continue reading