Second Circle: Four Stroke Baron and Haunted Plasma

In Dante’s Inferno, the second circle begins the proper punishment of Hell, a place where “no thing gleams.” It is reserved for those overcome with Lust, where carnal appetites hold sway over reason. In Nine Circles, it’s where we do shorter reviews of new(ish) albums that share a common theme.

In today’s edition, we will dive head first into two new albums from bands that hail from the leftfield fringes of metal and push the proverbial envelope through a shredder. Did I mention that the aforementioned envelope you just held in your hands was drenched in a cocktail of psychedelic drugs? Better fasten your seatbelts as we are about to venture into some wild territories, with Four Stroke Baron and Haunted Plasma as our intrepid guides.

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CANTO: Lucifer, Petrification, Hands of Goro, and More

I really do love EOY season, even if I think lists can be a little forced. I have one coming soon all the same. I promise.

  • Let’s start with a tour. 20 Buck Spin labelmates Gravesend and Maul are hitting the East Coast later this winter, starting February 29 at St. Vitus and wrapping up March 9 down in Tampa. But of course… nothing near me. Alas.
  • Norwegian black metal and punk hybrid Haust announced a new album titled Negative Music. It’s set for an April 19 release through Fysisk Format, and today they shared the leading single, “Dead Ringer”, which features Ivar Nikolaisen (Kvelertak, The Good The Bad and The Zugly).
  • Petrification is releasing their sophomore album on February 9 through Svart Records, titled Sever Sacred Light. The second single from that effort, “Sepulchral Lesions”, was made available today. Give it a listen here.
  • I need this in my life on principle alone. Bay area trio Hands of Goro, formed by members of Spirit Adrift, Nite, and Slough Feg, are releasing their self-titled debut on March 1. Give “Archduke of Fear” a listen here and get excited with me.
  • And finally the video we’ll wrap up with tonight comes from Lucifer. Taken from Lucifer V, the offering for “Maculate Heart” can be seen below. That album is set for a January 26 release through Nuclear Blast.

“Ein Bier… bitte.”

CANTO: Atoll, Vio-lence, Die Apokalyptischen Reiter, and More

I am so tired all of the time. Are the holidays over yet?

“Ein Bier… bitte.”

Album Review: Harmagedon — “Dystopian Dreams”

Crust punk, hardcore, d-beat, or even “kängpunk” if you’ve been on board since the early days: call it what you will, the blending of punk and metal has always been a fertile bed to lay the seeds of some really killer music.  Yes, technically those terms are not interchangeable with each other, but the Venn Diagram of those terms shows a significant amount of thematic overlap.  Entering their own point onto the blessed chart is Stockholm’s own Harmagedon with their debut Dystopian Dreams, featuring members of Martyrdöd and Freedom seeking to take their place among the giants.

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Rainbows in the Dark: Throat — “We Must Leave You”

throat we must leave you

Something about the dark and weird music coming out of Finland lately has been gripping me hard. This Sunday, we find ourselves with another offering from the country where I want to be, although a decidedly different experience from the chill vibes of Virta. We Must Leave You, the new album by four-piece noise act Throat, paints a much bleaker picture of the world, but one that is still musically compelling in its own way.

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