Best of 2022: Zyklonius’s List

Best of 2022

Huzzah, good riddance to another weird year, not only on both personal and professional fronts which basically prevented me from engaging in music writing, but also in terms of metal itself. Weird in the sense that multiple previous EOY luminaries released albums that failed to resonate, while bands that had not clicked for me on earlier albums decided to surprise me. Amidst all the oddity, there was thankfully a degree of cosmic justice and continuing reliability, as old favorites released their best work to date while relative newcomers delivered on the promises and potential for greatness that were teased on their initial releases. Without further ado, here are my 15 favorite metal albums of 2022.

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The Nine Circles Playlist Vol. 218 (2.11.2022)

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Thank whatever gods you lay your oblations to, because if we were basing the 218th edition of the Nine Circles Playlist solely on my recent listening history, it would be nothing but the new Zeal & Ardor. I wrote two reviews this week for Nine Circles – for two excellent albums – but the new self-titled release by Manuel Gagneux is something for the ages. For form’s sake I also added new tracks by Vicious Knights and All Them Witches so not to seem too biased.

But that’s just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Anton wants to make sure everyones gets in on Cailleach Calling, Tomarum and Gloson. Josh is going in hard with the latest from Midnight, Kreator and Dark Funeral, but then turns around and reminds you that Blue Murder was a kickass band back in the day. Vincent rolls out some Rolo Tomassi for the second week in a row, sprinkles in some Holy Fawn and ends on another recurring track with some Mitski. Angela can always be counted on to bring something fresh to the proceedings, and she doesn’t disappoint with tracks from Konvent, Greet Death, and the great collaborative album from Pijn and Conjurer. Finally, Buke roars in with some new Mortuary Drape, Vio-lence, Vanum, and Walg.

Get listening. See you next week.


The Nine Circles Playlist Vol. 207 (11.27.2021)

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I have awakened from the deep slumber that can only come from a combination of massive post-Thanksgiving tryptophan dosing and an ill-timed COVID booster to bring you, the discerning public the 207th edition of the Nine Circles Playlist. And it comes on the birthday of the greatest guitarist to ever light his guitar on fire, so of course we have to open with some classic Hendrix.

Once you’ve picked yourself up after that blistering performance of “Killing Floor” we of course have some more the more extreme music for your ripe and eager ears. Prepare to have your mind expanded when you come to the realization that Troy Sanders should sing ALL the songs when Two Minutes to Late Night cover Metallica’s “Blackened.” Then Josh brings the heavy with cuts from Atræ Bilis with whom we just released a killer interview with, Diablation, and Hate. Vincent finally listens to Marriages featuring Emma Ruth Rundle after being reminded of their greatness on our latest AOTM podcast, and sprinkles in some vicious Yellow Eyes and Sun of the Sleepless as well. Anton has gone deep with Transcending Obscurity Records, laying his soul bare to the attack of both The Last of Lucy and Dischordia. Finally I wrap things up with some of the metal I’ve had on repeat lately, including the latest from post-metal crew Daxma, the newest single from supergroup Lock-Up now featuring both Tomas Lindberg and Kevin Sharp on vocals, and the classic trad metal of Tower.

I can’t believe next week is December. End of Year lists edge ever closer. See you next time, hopefully more awake than I am now!


The Nine Circles Playlist Vol. 74 (04.06.2019)

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Like Stephen Tyler said, ‘I’m back in the saddle again.’  Thanks to Josh for once again picking up this column while I was off on my sojourn to the Pacific Northwest.  I fought no demon hordes in my tenure there (although I did steal a couple souls…), just a lot of hiking, sightseeing, and stuffing my face with doughnuts and beer.  As all good vacations should be.  And now, back to business.  We have a ton of good tunes for you on this week’s playlist, so dive right in and see what’s been running through our collective headphones lately.

– Vincent