CANTO: Svneatr, Enterprise Earth, Blaze of Perdition, and More

And… it’s still snowing. At least it looks pretty outside.

“Ein Bier… bitte.”

CANTO: Denouncement Pyre, SVNEATR, Spiritus Mortis, and More


Whole lot of content these days. It’s a good thing, overall.

“Ein Bier… bitte.”

Initial Descent: May 23 – 29, 2021


I feel like I said this recently, but the everflowing stream of live shows and fests are excellent news. I mean, EXCELLENT. We’ve all missed them, and each other for that matter. Even if you’re the dude that loves to windmill dead in the middle of the crowded floor…you have been missed. Me? I won’t be in the middle of said floor, but will be holding up the bar in the back grinning from ear to ear to actually see this magical thing happen again. Anyway, I digress as we’re here for new metal and that we have tons of. Atmospheric black metal is something Svneatr dive into even deeper than before on their latest, Impaled Nazarene make sick music for sick folks and they continue their sick black metal pulverization of humanity this week, the band with the always stunning Conanish album covers and excellent heavy metal, Cirith Ungol, are once again upon us with a quick ripper of an EP, and Engraver offer up another quick ripper of an EP but this time thrash is the name of the game. Head below to find all the albums that will empty your wallet and go plan your upcoming events wisely. See you there.

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Video Premiere: SVNEATR — “The Consequence of Fear”

As we quickly approach the official release date for Chinook, the impressive sophomore effort from Canadian black metal collective SVNEATR, it is our pleasure to premiere the new video for “The Consequence of Fear.” A leap forward from 2018’s The Howl, the Whisper, the Hunt, Chinook offers a brilliantly complex take on the genre, and this couldn’t be more evident than what’s contained within the passages of “The Consequence of Fear.” But don’t take my word for it. Give it a watch and listen immediately below. The video, by the way, is equally as awesome.

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Receiving the Evcharist – Svneatr and Public House Saison

Receiving the Evcharist

Receiving the Evcharist is our weekly feature where we pair choice albums with our favorite libations.  Drink from the cup of heresy.  This week’s offering: Svneatr’s The Howl, The Whisper, The Hunt and Angel City Brewing Company’s Public House Saison.   Continue reading