The Nine Circles Playlist Vol. 333 (4.27.2024)

playlist - mixtape

Happy frickin’ Saturday and welcome to the 333rd edition of our weekly mixtape, aka The Nine Circles Playlist. It’s been an insane few weeks release wise so between that and the nearly infinite possibilities of music picks we’ve got a killer playlist for you here this week. I kick things off with 200 Stab Wounds because…hell yea and an acoustic version of a favorite Periphery song of mine. Spoiler here: I do miss Matt Halpern’s presence behind the kit but this track still rules. Elsewhere, our esteemed team of 9C writers have their own favorites to share which include cuts from Hail Spirit Noir, Alcest, YOB, Zeal and Ardor, Zelenaya, Darkthrone, and a ton more.

Get listening. Stay safe. See you next week. Oh, Chris will probably be back next week. He’s off doing metal stuff in case you were wondering.


Best of 2022: Ian’s Honorable Mentions

Best of 2022

What a year.  It’s hard to believe that most of the hubbub and fervor of the last few years is fading into the background (read: not gone, not even a little bit).  I feel like for once I had so much going on outside of sitting at home that I felt like it was a little hard to keep up with everything that came out this year, but nonetheless, there were a ton of albums that captivated me and kept me company, and we’re going to start with the honorable mentions.  You get it by now: these albums are fantastic, but I only have room in my personal tops for nine albums, so don’t feel like I’m shortchanging any of these.  Without further ado, here we go:

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CANTO: Cynic, Opeth, Vile Creature, and More

I have returned from a long weekend in which I ran way too many miles. Now let’s see how many new singles we can cram into this thing.

“Ein Bier… bitte.”

The Nine Circles Playlist Vol. 183 (05.29.2021)

playlist - mixtape

Welcome to this week’s Nine Circles Saturday morning mixtape playlist. This week, we’ve got the much requested (seriously like four people picked this one) new single from Zeal and Ardor, some classic Necrophagist, and a usual barrage of death metal from our esteemed Editor in Chief. Take a listen below and kick that (hopefully for most of you) long weekend off.

– Vincent

Best of 2020: Angela’s List

Best of 2020

We all know that 2020 was a very unpleasant year (to say the least).  You don’t need me to list all the ways it was awful.  We are all painfully aware of the details, and even more so as we look back at our 2020 new year’s resolutions we had made (travel more, drink less; you know).  So enough of that, let’s focus on a bit of positivity and good that emerged from the past 12 months.  For instance, there were so many new and wonderful musical releases that I could not even keep up.  Every new album I listened to brought some joy, some goosebumps, and some pain—but in a good, cathartic way.  As usual, my super indecisive self had a difficult time narrowing down the list of favorites.  I managed to finally settle(ish) on a list.  These selections are different (with the exception of my number one pick) from when I weighed in on the group list and different on the EOY Podcast episode—apologies for the inconsistency but, again, I’m indecisive (and also anxious).

Here are my top 13 as of this moment (because I love all things spooky, and c’mon, we’ve already had all the bad luck brought upon us) and a little list of some nonmetal favorites.

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