Best of 2017: Mark’s List

9C 2017 EOY Header Image

It was an honor joining the Nice Circles team this year. I started a series of posts called A Headbanger’s Journey that I hope to continue into 2018.  Late to the party,  I bought an absurd amount of music at the end of the year, much of it from the excellent Nine Circles coverage and I’m just now coming up for breath. In 2016 I went back in time to investigate the early death metal classics of the late 80’s/early 90’s and this year, I did the same with classic punk and hardcore. Both of those genres inform my current listening and are reflected in this list. So, let’s see where the rubber hits the road.   Continue reading

The Nine Circles Playlist: Vol. 3 (8.7.2017)


Happy Monday everyone. It’s currently Sunday afternoon here in sunny Portsmouth and Josh and I are starting to get ourselves together for the Neurosis/Converge/Amenra show down in Boston tonight. So, I’m going to make this pretty efficient for you today because 1. There’s shit we need to do in a little while and 2. I’m slightly hungover and don’t have a ton to say. A brand new edition of our playlist is available for your listening pleasure below. Miss a playlist from either of the past two weeks? Fret not, you can check out all the playlists on our YouTube channel. That’s it from me. Have a good week! Continue reading