CANTO: The Black Dahlia Murder, Fleshgod Apocalypse, Exodus, and More

Another hockey season in the books. Now what?

  • Let’s start with a couple of tours. First, The Black Dahlia Murder and Dying Fetus co-headlining tour, with support from Spite, AngelMaker, Vomit Forth. Those are October and November dates, with tickets going on sale this week.
  • Another one! Fleshgod Apocalypse and Shadow of Intent co-headlining a run in September and October. Ingested, The Zenith Passage, and Disembodied Tyrant will there too, so this is a killer lineup. Here’s that ticket link.
  • ANOTHER ONE! Exodus, with support in the form of Havok, Candy, and Dead Heat. Those are in November and December, and the full schedule can be seen in here. So basically we have your fourth quarter mapped out, is what I’m saying.
  • Generation of Vipers are returning with a new album on August 23 after a decade absence. So that’s cool. Guilt Shrine will be out through Translation Loss Records and you can stream “Lux Inversion” over at Decibel.
  • And to wrap up, a new track from A Wake In Providence. I Write To You, My Darling Decay is out on July 26 through Unique Leader Records, and the visualizer for “Agonofinis” can be found below.

“Ein Bier… bitte.”

CANTO: Varg, Ufomammut, Witching, and More

This week might actually kill me.

“Ein Bier… bitte.”

Album Review: Usnea — “Bathed in Light”

One of my favorite experiences with metal is how a band I enjoy vanishes from my radar screen, remains removed from my consciousness for years and then makes a roaring return with an album that transcends their previous achievements. It’s been six long years since Usnea released their previous album, the towering Portals into Futility, and Bathed in Light reveals that the absence has only hardened the band’s artistic resolve as calamitous global events and personal tragedies of the intervening time have whipped them into a creative frenzy.

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CANTO: Usnea, The Acacia Strain, Sermon, and More

Don’t look now, but the Red Wings have won three straight. Oh wait, shit, wrong blog.

“Ein Bier… bitte.”

CANTO: Batushka, Ready For Death, Stratovarius, and More

The snow has fallen on these White Mountains.

“Ein Bier… bitte.”